Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Stortinget - this means parliament in Norwegian. These snaps I took when i visited the public library, which is near the Norwegian parliament. The library building is visible in the bottom right - green one with the letters "DEICHMANSKE BIBLIOTEK" written on it.
PS: the building visible below is not the parliament building.

Now heres some interesting trivia about the buses in Oslo. They are GPS enabled and the internal address system (which anounces the stops) is tied to the GPS. This live data is also fed to the site http://www.trafikanten.no/. So, when you try searching for a bus route, you can get the exact location of the bus and in how many min it would arrive at your bus-stop. Cool stuff lah.

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1 comment:

  1. The buses in Oslo are very modern. I am invested in a company that make ultracapacitors which are used in hybrid buses. The company Maxwell Technologies SA is located in Sweden. I like your close up pictures of birds in flight.

